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Community Food
Food Justice IS Disability Justice

Access to healthy food is a right that is denied to many members of our community and is both a root cause and amplifier of disability. Diets low in fruit and vegetables are linked to higher risks of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and obesity, and often lead to deficiencies in key vitamins and minerals which are crucial for managing inflammation and maintaining immune function. Disabled people with limited access to healthy food options are more likely to experience secondary conditions, such as digrestive issues, fatigue, and joint pain, and increased severity of primery health conditions.
Community Food is a way to discover, mobilize, and redistribute the abundance of fresh foods we have in community. We partner with other organizations and businesses within our community to activate green spaces and resources in the collective effort to create food justice and a place of belonging for all. We believe that the interdependence of people and communities is an essential element of our collective liberation.
Langley Community Garden

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